Your shipping container home meets your various local codes

One of the best examples of Container Houses can be found in Diemen- which is a popular city in Holland. The local collage wanted to build additional accommodation for its students… quickly!

So they decided to build a block of shipping container homes out of 250 containers.

The shipping containers were modified in China and then shipped to Amsterdam. In total around 5 shipping containers were stacked each day. This mean than in less than 12 week they had successfully built 250 shipping container homes!

The reason for this is that when you purchase a shipping container, you already have the walls, floor and ceiling for your home; you just need to apply insulation and decorate them!

When you’re building a new home here in the US, you will be subjected to your local Department of Building Inspection.

Unfortunately shipping Container Houses aren’t exempt from such scrutiny and you too will need to make sure that your shipping container home meets your various local codes.

This certainly can be one of the hardest parts of building a shipping container home. However this issue isn’t just unique to shipping container homes, it’s applicable to all new homes which are built in the US, regardless of their construction material.

It’s important you’re aware that a building permit is required because a permit can take time to be approved so you need to make sure this time is properly budgeted for in your construction plans.

If you’re extremely lucky though, sometimes a building permit isn’t required.

Some areas in the US are known as ‘outside of city zoning’; this means your land lies outside of the Modular Home building permit regulations so you can build there without a permit.